Blog: 06-20-18 SEMI Advanced Mold Inspection & Mold Remediation Training
Blog: 06-20-18
SEMI Advanced Mold Inspection & Mold Remediation Training!
William E. Fisher, Jr.
President; AAA Advanced Air & Mold Solutions, Inc.
Panama City, Florida.
Well it’s summer time and with it comes the heat, humidity, and rain, and yes mold contamination. The problem with mold is it never goes away its with us 24 hours a day three hundred and sixty five days a year. If you go online and Google mold on snow you’ll see photos of mold growing on snow. Mold is really amazing it can live in the boiling water’s of Yellowstone National Park and also grow on snow!
Toxic Mold Contamination is a business where you’ll need the maximum training for success! The South Eastern Mold Institute will fill those needs for your educational base to move forward in this vital business that serves the public need for a safe home or working environment. SEMI’s advanced training program is based on the quality training by the Institutes Master Instructor; William E. Fisher, Jr. Few in this industry have the proven experience that Bill Fisher has in this fast growing industry.
Toxic Mold Remediation is where most contractors fail due to lack of training and experience. Mold remediation, and the chemicals used are an important key in getting toxic mold contamination under control. Many contractors are still trying to use bleach but it’s to week and toxic to use at full strength in the home or business environments. After the contractor waters it down it’s weaker even more making it less effective. Their are chemicals available that can do the job but the best one’s are expensive. The plus side is they will get those mold spore levels down to our industry standard.
We market a chemical under the trade name Fisher’s Subdue XXX. It’s an anti-microbiological chemical that really does the job. It kills mold on contact. In Mold Inspection and Mold Remediation you’ll come across those that think their product is better then the rest. But the proof is in the podding as they say, and Fisher’s Subdue XXX proves it self when doing the clearance testing. We then look at the mold spore count to verify the product is doing the job as intended in killing mold on contact.
SEMI’s two day training program cover all of the bases and we give support to our students working on their mold inspection and mold remediation projects. We are only a phone call or email away to help our students when necessary. We like to educate our students on the value of great customer service for their customers. SEMI is old school training on how to do the job professionally, and correctly to get your customers back into their home or business as soon as possible. Because Toxic Mold Contamination is one of the biggest environmental issues property owners are facing today.
AAA Advanced Air & Mold Solutions, Inc is the parent company of the South Eastern Mold Institute, Inc. William E. Fisher, Jr President of both companies gives the best overall training possible! You’ll be trained by the only person that has ever received a Letter of Commendation from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Mr. Fisher has also trained Inspectors for the Florida Department of Health as well as many other City, State, and Federal Agency’s! SEMI’s objective is for every student member to have the ability to solve their customers mold issues by testing for mold the best way possible, and for the remediation process to be successful. Your SEMI Certification will put those professional contractors on the right path for success through their advanced training! Education is the key needed, and the fee’s paid for quality in education is what sets The South Eastern Mold Institute above and beyond all the rest! Call us today at 850-276-3135 for your program consultation!
Join up with SEMI today and become a member for life! America’s Premier Mold Training Organization! A National and International body for safe human habitations.